The Liturgy is the order of worship we use at each Mass to help us approach the Living God. Liturgy means "the work of the people." One of the great advantages of liturgy is that it involves all of the congregation in the worship of God. It involves listening and responding to God’s love. First and foremost, it requires attentive listening: “Listening is not an isolated moment. It is a way of life. It means openness to the Lord’s voice not only in the Scriptures but in the events of our daily lives and in the experience of our brothers and sisters.” (The Liturgy Documents, pg 353).
To learn more or participate in one of our liturgical ministries, please visit:
Altar Servers
Communion Ministers
Hospitality Ministers
Liturgy Committee
Lectors are men and women who share God's Word with the members of our parish community at Mass. They proclaim the first and second readings during the liturgy of the Word. Lectors also assist at other liturgical services.
If you are a Lector or Communion Minister please sign up so that we can plan ahead for the weekend Masses.
The Liturgy is the order of worship we use at each Mass to help us approach the Living God. Liturgy means "the work of the people." One of the great advantages of liturgy is that it involves all of the congregation in the worship of God. It involves listening and responding to God’s love. First and foremost, it requires attentive listening: “Listening is not an isolated moment. It is a way of life. It means openness to the Lord’s voice not only in the Scriptures but in the events of our daily lives and in the experience of our brothers and sisters.”
The Parish Liturgy Committee meets regularly to plan and coordinate parish liturgical matters. The committee focus on the full range of the parish’s liturgical life, establishing parish liturgy policy, evaluating liturgies and the formation of good liturgy and worship in the church.
Enhancing Worship
Liturgy is at the heart of all parish life and Christ is the center. We are the body of Christ called to gather for worship, to cherish the traditions of our faith, to witness the Gospel, to minister to others and in the world. Members of the parish Liturgy Committee, focus on the various aspects of good liturgy and its practical implementation. From their individual study and group exchange of information at meetings, they plan liturgical and spiritual events.
For more information, please contact
Boys and girls from grade 3 and above who assist the priest at the liturgy:
Communion ministers are men and women who distribute communion at Mass. They have a firm belief in and reverence for the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Their ministry facilitates reverent reception of communion, and a sense of community and hospitality among the assembly. Communion ministers are active members of the parish community, as evidenced by their participation in some other area of parish life.
If you are a Lector or Communion Minister please sign up so that we can plan ahead for the weekend Masses.
The choirs/ensembles offer variety and a special dimension to liturgical worship. Through ongoing practice, they lend their talents and efforts at weekend Masses.
For more information about joining an adult choir, please contact: Zach Schroeder.
For information on joining the Youth Group / Band, please contact Jose Beck
For information on joining the Children's Choir, please contact Megan Bernstein
Our greeters and ushers are the first people one meets upon entering St Julie’s. They are our “first impression” - they offer the smile and hand of welcome we want to give not only to newcomers but to each other as a parish. The greeters do just that - greet everyone as they enter church. The ushers help with seating, assist the flow of communion, and hand out the bulletin after Mass.
For information on joining the Hospitallity Ministry, please contact Sharon Aeria: